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Little Girl And Her Dog Have A Tear-Jerking Reunion After Two Long Months

Little Girl And Her Dog Have A Tear-Jerking Reunion After Two Long Months

Losing a dog due to unknown circumstances is a traumatic experience, especially for kids. The amount of pain a child must go through while still looking for his loving furball is unimaginable. And yet, somehow – this phenomenon is quite common all over the world!

According to 2023 statistics, more than 10 million dogs get lost every year, which, shockingly, is quite a big number!

The same happened to a family from San Antonio, Texas, a couple of years ago, when they lost their family doggo – Max. He got lost on the streets and his family thought they would never see him again until one day, the phone rang!

Max Wandered The Streets Of San Antonio For Two Whole Months

flyer of a missing dog

In contrast to many family dogs that become lost and never return, Max’s family lost this little furry creature on the streets of San Antonio.

Since he was a small dog and could not possibly survive on the streets, his owners were quite concerned about him and did all in their ability to locate him. They even distributed flyers across the area and notified the police.

Max was characterized as a mixed-breed dog who was incredibly amiable, gentle, and nice.

Nevertheless, despite their diligent seeking for two months, they were unsuccessful.

Perez, Deputy, Saves the Day

police officer standing next to a girl holding the missing dog

After two months of searching, Max’s family gave up on ever finding their devoted dog. The youngsters, who had been inconsolable at the moment, came to terms with Max being permanently gone, and they all but ceased thinking about their little friend.

One phone call, however, caused everything to alter.

A call was made to Deputy Perez of the Bexar County Sheriff’s Office regarding a tiny little dog who was stumbling around the nearby streets and who resembled Max identically!

Perez responded right away, recalling the dog from a flyer that had been posted at the BCSO substation for a full two months. Max was for sure there!

“As evidenced by the smiles on their faces, the kids are overjoyed! I want to thank Deputy Perez for making this possible.

girl crying while holding the dog and standing next to other girl

When Max’s family heard that their long-lost pet was safe, they yelled out in joy, and Perez hurried to break the good news to them.

Max waved his tail and sprang into their arms as soon as they met at the train station, where they had hurried to pick up their cherished companion.

little girls with dog called max

When one of the girls eventually took Max into her arms, she was unable to contain her tears and sobbed bitterly. All thanks to deputy Perez, it was a wonderful reunion marked by delight, tears, joy, and lots of hugs and kisses.

Finally, Max was in his Texas home, far from the uncharted territory where he had been abandoned to the whims of the streets, where he had always belonged.

For this little boi, it was a very terrible experience, but we’re confident that with the love of his hoomans, he had no trouble returning to his normal self!


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