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An Elderly Owner Had To Gice Up Their Senior Cat, But Rescuers Provided Him With A Loving Fospice Home

A lovable senior cat, Pumpkin, was 14 and struggling when his elderly owner had no choice but to surrender him. He ended up at a Manhattan shelter.

Unfortunately, this scenario is an everyday part of life as people age and lose their health or homes. Giving up a beloved pet must have been so heartbreaking, but thanks to rescuers, Pumpkin would not face euthanasia.

They found the scruffy senior kitty was as sweet as pumpkin pie and had so much love to give.

“He deserves to be in a loving home for whatever time he has left,” Timber’s Legacy said

Elderly Owner Couldn’t Care for Pumpkin Anymore

When rescuers found Pumpkin at the Manhattan Care Center, they saw he had many health issues and horribly matted hair. But it wasn’t intentional neglect. The elderly person was also suffering from medical issues and sadly had no choice but to go into care themselves.

“Pumpkin’s elderly owner was taken into care and had to surrender him. It appears that his owner was unable to properly care for him as he/she had medical issues of their own. The neglect was not intentional,” shared Timber’s Legacy.

The volunteers were delighted when the rescue group Timber’s Legacy pulled Pumpkin from the shelter. Online multiple people offered to care for him too!

Pumpkin Will Never Want for Anything Again

As you can see, Pumpkin was a big lovebug, but he had many health issues that needed immediate treatment. The rescuers took him to their veterinarian, who found him “an absolute love.”

“He loves attention and pets, gives elevator butt and is a purr machine. He was purring so loudly that Doc could not hear his heartbeat properly!” they shared

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