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Daycare in Michigan Transforms into a Pool Party with 39 Joyful Dogs (VIDEO)

Thirty-nine dogs of varying breeds recently made a big splash at Lucky Puppy, a popular doggy daycare in Maybee, Michigan. As the summer heat intensified, these furry friends took to a specially designed, bone-shaped pool to beat the heat and have fun.

The mastermind behind this event is Brenda Langley, a 60-year-old animal lover who owns and operates the daycare facility. Her unique idea was inspired by her experiences swimming with the dogs in her above-ground pool. After replacing the pool liner multiple times due to the dogs’ fondness for swimming, she built a pool specifically for them.

Langley’s commitment to her four-legged guests’ enjoyment extends to allowing them up to four hours of pool time daily. “Watching them enjoy life during pool time is priceless,” Langley said. The 20 x 40ft in-ground pool includes a shallow end, accommodating the non-swimmers and smaller dogs among the group.

The sight of the dogs rushing into the pool has garnered significant attention online, with dog lovers appreciating the dogs’ carefree enjoyment. The dogs’ excitement was palpable as they scrambled towards the pool, some elegantly stepping in from the stairs. In contrast, others opted for a more energetic belly flop.

Keeping the pool clean with so many playful pups around is challenging. However, Langley and her team are up to the task, dedicating an hour each morning to sweeping the pool and employing powerful filters to work hard 24/7 in maintaining the water’s clarity. There’s always someone armed with a net throughout the swim sessions, ready to scoop up any unexpected items.

The Lucky Puppy Day Care facility also offers its guests two three-acre playgrounds and seven acres of nature trails, apart from the pool. Dogs can relax in personal bedrooms, with blankets and soothing music on CDs after a day of play and excitement.

Langley believes swimming is beneficial for dogs, both physically and psychologically. Moreover, the facility’s pool videos have received positive feedback from far and wide, becoming a source of joy for animal lovers worldwide.


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