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German Shepherd Dogs Saved From The Streets And Adopted Together In A Bonded Pair

A Bonded Pair Of German Shepherds Saved From The Streets And Adopted Together

If you have had the chance to parent a German Shepherd at some point in your life, then you must know how loyal and great of pets these boys and girls are! They never forget the ones they love, which is why the breed is so desirable among pet lovers.

The story of Gus and Laurie, two stray German Shepherds who were found at someone’s barn in Virginia, left everyone in tears. The bonded pair was found at the age of three months, not willing to give up on each other…

Gus And Laurie Only Had Each Other

two dogs sitting in a car

Gus and Laurie were just puppies when the kind people from the Stephens City, Virginia-based Shenandoah Shepherd Rescue met them.

Even so, the rescue team took them to the shelter together since they were mature enough to understand that they didn’t want to be apart from one another. Nobody was entirely sure of the two’s backstory, but the affectionate bond they shared won everyone over.

Even though they had finally reached a safe location, they remained by each other’s sides the entire time.


Future owners of Shenandoah Shepherds were subject to one requirement.

Gus and Laurie were just puppies when the kind people from the Stephens City, Virginia-based Shenandoah Shepherd Rescue met them.

Even so, the rescue team took them to the shelter together since they were mature enough to understand that they didn’t want to be apart from one another. Nobody was entirely sure of the two’s backstory, but the affectionate bond they shared won everyone over.

Even though they had finally reached a safe location, they remained by each other’s sides the entire time.


Future owners of Shenandoah Shepherds were subject to one requirement.

dogs hugging on the car seat

These German dogs were then moved to a foster home in Winchester, Virginia, with the intention of giving the puppies good nourishment, routine, and socialization training.

The SSR’s mission statement states that each German Shepherd dog they rescue will be treated humanely before being adopted.

“Our goal is to save, treat, and place every needy German Shepherd in a new home.”

Gus and Laurie underwent the process of rehabilitation in a temporary home, just like all of their rescue canines. They also adored it! These dogs were totally prepared to meet their new pawrents in just a few short months!

The SSR team had only one condition for their adoption – the two had to be adopted together! To separate them after they had made it this far together would be inhumane! Gus and Laurie are born to share their life together and the team didn’t even consider breaking their bond.

Saving Less Fortunate GSDs Is Jennifer’s Mission

german shepherd with woman posing

The SSR’s co-founder Jennifer has years of experience in this field. She chose to start her own rescue since she has always had a deep affection for German Shepherds.

“I had grown up with dogs and have always loved them, but really getting involved in other people’s rescues was a whole other ballgame… My entire life was altered.

Gus and Laurie are only two of the numerous GSDs that happened to end up in her care, but even then, every dog is given the same amount of care and devotion. Strong SSR policies mandate that every puppy receives veterinary care and undergoes a rigorous adoption process.

We sincerely hope that Gus and Laurie will be together forever.


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