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Forgotten boot-shaped home found hidden in woods likened to nursery rhyme

The boot house hidden in the woods

A boot-shaped house hidden deep inside UK woods has been found which appears to have been forgotten for decades.

The unique find by urban explorers has parallels to the nursery rhyme about the old woman who lived in a shoe.

Leaves and vines have begun climbing the walls of the tiny, moss-covered property, amazing pictures show.

The stone shape of the boot looks perfectly preserved, while its wooden roof has certainly seen better days.

Explorers were able to see that some of the structure has collapsed, making it an unsafe place to play or live, The Daily Star reports.

The Abandoned UK Facebook page claim a woman once lived inside the home in the 50s

Leaves and vines have begun climbing the walls

Leaves and vines have begun climbing the walls

In a Facebook post, the explorers explained: “This took some finding but we did it, so after walking through the woods for ages trying to find the boot we finally saw it at the bottom of a steep cliff.

“We eventually made it down in one piece almost like rock climbing at some stages. Apparently, a woman lived in the boot in the 1950s.

“Although there isn’t anything stating this just stuff we have read online.

“Kids used to play on the boot in the 70’s & 80’s as well, this is definitely something different and the detail that went into making it. The small video below hope you enjoy it.”

Inside of the unique boot shaped house

The story of the woman living inside the obscure home reminded fans of the nursery rhyme of the woman who lived in a shoe.

One user said: “Is this where the “there was an Old woman who lives in a shoe” tale from childhood comes from?”

Another wrote: “I wonder if she had so many children, she didn’t know what to do! Great find really love it.”

A third added: “That is absolutely amazing .. would be tough living in that though.”




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