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A dog who was unable to get up by herself becomes the sweetest lovebug

Dog Who Couldn’t Stand Up On Her Own Transforms Into The Sweetest Lovebug

They often say that time is of the essence, and that couldn’t be truer in the case of Annie McHound!

This sweet pup was found in the corner of a family’s backyard in Missouri, practically begging to be saved. Scared, severely anemic, and all covered in fleas, Annie couldn’t even stand on her own two feet.

Little did she know at the time that her life was about to completely change! All she could do at that very moment was give her finders a look full of hope and wait for them to be her heroes.

This is how Annie’s story unfolds!

Annie McHound’s Heartbreaking Backstory

the dog lies in a plastic container

As soon as the family noticed Annie tucked away in the corner of their backyard, they knew that they had to do something about it. At the moment, she was just too weak to run away, or at least to stand up, which meant that she didn’t have much time.

a dog that can barely stand on its feet

The family contacted Stray Rescue of St. Louis, Missouri, and in seconds, Donna Lochman, chief lifesaving officer, was in her car!

When she arrived at the spot, she noticed that Annie was completely covered in fleas, and on top of all that, she was extremely emaciated. Donna immediately loaded her in the car and brought Annie to the facility.

“She didn’t even have the strength to stand on her own. She was being eaten alive by fleas and was completely anemic. There was not one minute to spare as we began the work of trying to save her life,” the SRSL team wrote.


the sick dog lies wrapped in a blanket

After the initial checkup, the team of vets diagnosed Annie with anemia and fleas. She was so emaciated that she couldn’t even walk or stand up by herself. On top of all that, Annie needed an oxygen chamber as her lungs were too damaged.

Getting Back On Her Paws With The Greatest Team Ever

a woman with tied hair holds a dog in her arms

Soon, an entire team of volunteers was formed in an attempt to help poor Annie get back on her paws!

The first step was to give her a nice, warm bath and make her as comfortable as possible with a soft blanket in her own, private kennel. As soon as she was clean, the team of vets made sure she got the much-needed blood transfusion and constant heat support.

In no time, the whole team of SRSL volunteers fell in love with Annie, and even though she spent most of her time in the oxygen chamber, they made sure she never got lonely.

Annie had a hard couple of weeks until she finally started eating properly, and when she was strong enough to stand on her own two paws, the team and her shelter siblings welcomed her outside!

three skinny dogs in the garden

Despite all odds, Annie quickly transformed into the sweetest girl ever, showering everyone with warm kisses and beautiful smiles. After she got significantly better, the SRSL team transferred her to a foster home where she could finally learn how to be a dog.

“Annie is doing great! She loves being around people,dogs, and even my cats. She loves to play outside. She is in and out of the back yard all day, sometimes lying on her bed in the sun. Her favorite thing is to play with people,” says her foster mom, Cheri.

It seems that all this time, all Annie needed was a friend… and now she had a whole bunch!

The Sweetest Family Member And The Biggest Lovebug

two women are sitting on a bench and a dog next to them

After time well spent in her foster home – Annie McHound, one of SRSLs greatest successes, got her long-awaited happy ending!

A beautiful family heard this sweet girl’s story and they immediately fell in love with her!

They spared no time to fill out the application, and soon enough – Annie was their newest family member!

“She’s a family member…a daughter. She has a big backyard, a mom and dad who are madly in love with her, and her foster mom still comes to visit. 

We love you Annie! Thank you for trusting us and for never giving up,” SRSL wrote.

Today, she’s the happiest doggo in the world, living the best life with her new pawrents and creating memories for a lifetime!


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