The Smallpox Hospital, also known as the Renwick Smallpox Hospital, is located on Roosevelt Island in Manhattan, New York. It is part of the Roosevelt Island Historic District, which also includes the Octagon and the Chapel of the Good Shepherd.
The Smallpox Hospital was designed by architect James Renwick Jr. and opened in 1856. It was one of the first hospitals in the United States dedicated specifically to treating smallpox patients. Smallpox was a highly contagious and deadly disease, and the hospital played a crucial role in isolating and treating those affected.
Over the years, the hospital went through various uses and modifications. It eventually closed in 1950 and fell into a state of disrepair. The building is now a set of picturesque ruins, with its Gothic Revival architecture standing out on the southern tip of Roosevelt Island.
The ruins are a designated New York City landmark and are listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Although the structure is not open to the public, visitors can view the exterior and appreciate the historical significance of the site. The Smallpox Hospital ruins stand as a reminder of the challenges faced in the past in dealing with infectious diseases and the advancements made in healthcare over the years.