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The Callanish Standing Stones

The Callanish Standing Stones: Stonehenge of the North

The Callanish Standing Stones, also known as the Callanish Stones or Calanais Standing Stones, are a remarkable and well-preserved Neolithic site located on the Isle of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland. These standing stones are one of the most significant prehistoric sites in the United Kingdom.

Key features of the Callanish Standing Stones:

Arrangement: The stones are arranged in the shape of a cross, with a central stone circle and long avenues of stones extending to the north, south, east, and west. The main circle consists of 13 stones, with a monolith at its center.Age: The construction of the Callanish Stones dates back to the late Neolithic period, around 2900 to 2600 BCE. However, the site continued to be used and modified during the Bronze Age and the Iron Age.Purpose: The purpose of the stones remains a subject of speculation and debate among archaeologists and historians. Some theories suggest that the site had religious or ceremonial significance, possibly related to lunar or solar observations. Others propose that it served as a meeting place or had ritualistic functions.Astronomical Alignment: One notable aspect of the Callanish Stones is their alignment with astronomical events. The stones are thought to be positioned in a way that marks significant celestial events, such as the moon’s major standstill.Local Legend: Like many ancient sites, the Callanish Stones are associated with local folklore and legends. According to one legend, the stones were petrified giants who refused to convert to Christianity and were thus turned into stone as a punishment.Visitor Center: There is a visitor center near the site that provides information about the history and significance of the stones. It also offers guided tours for visitors.

The Callanish Standing Stones are a testament to the engineering and astronomical knowledge of the ancient people who constructed them. The site continues to be a popular tourist destination and a source of fascination for those interested in prehistoric and ancient cultures.


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