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St Michael’s Mount!

May be an image of Eltz Castle

St. Michael’s Mount is a small, rocky island located in Mount’s Bay, off the coast of Cornwall, England. It is known for its stunning medieval castle and picturesque gardens. Here are some key points about St. Michael’s Mount:

Location: St. Michael’s Mount is situated approximately 400 yards (366 meters) off the town of Marazion in Cornwall. During low tide, a causeway is exposed, allowing visitors to walk to the island. At high tide, access is by boat.

Castle: The island is dominated by a medieval castle that dates back to the 12th century. The castle has been the home of the St. Aubyn family since the 17th century. It features a mix of architectural styles, including medieval, Tudor, and Gothic elements.

Gardens: St. Michael’s Mount boasts beautiful terraced gardens that slope down from the castle to the sea. The gardens feature a variety of exotic plants and offer stunning views of the surrounding bay.

Chapel: At the summit of the island is the medieval chapel of St. Michael, from which the island gets its name. The chapel is a place of historical and religious significance.

Tidal Island: St. Michael’s Mount is a tidal island, meaning that its accessibility depends on the tides. During low tide, visitors can walk across the causeway, but during high tide, the island becomes separated from the mainland, and boat transport is necessary.

National Trust Property: St. Michael’s Mount is managed by the National Trust. The castle and gardens are open to the public, allowing visitors to explore the rich history and natural beauty of the island.

Legends: The island has a rich history and is associated with various legends, including stories of giants and miracles. The legend of Jack the Giant Killer is one of the well-known tales connected to St. Michael’s Mount.

Visitors to St. Michael’s Mount can enjoy exploring the castle, wandering through the gardens, and taking in the breathtaking views of the surrounding coastline. The combination of historical significance, natural beauty, and the unique tidal aspect makes it a popular tourist destination in Cornwall.


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