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This Mysterious Abandoned Lighthouse In Delaware Will Haunt Your Dreams

Delaware is home to several lighthouses, but the one that stands out for its eerie and haunting atmosphere is the Delaware Breakwater East End Lighthouse. Situated on the Delaware Bay, this abandoned lighthouse has a storied past and a haunting presence that makes it a fascinating subject for those intrigued by the macabre and mysterious.

Delaware Breakwater East End Lighthouse

Historical Background

Construction and Purpose: The Delaware Breakwater East End Lighthouse was constructed in 1885 to guide ships safely into the harbor and to mark the entrance to the Delaware Breakwater. The breakwater was an essential refuge for ships during storms, making the lighthouse a critical part of maritime navigation.

Decline and Abandonment: As navigation technology advanced and other lighthouses were built, the Delaware Breakwater East End Lighthouse became less critical. It was eventually decommissioned in the mid-20th century and has since fallen into disrepair.

Notable Features


The lighthouse has a distinctive design typical of the late 19th century, featuring a cast-iron structure and a lantern room that once housed a powerful Fresnel lens. Its stark, isolated appearance against the backdrop of the sea adds to its haunting allure.


Positioned on a breakwater, the lighthouse is surrounded by water and accessible only by boat. This isolation amplifies its eerie ambiance, especially during foggy or stormy weather when visibility is low and the lighthouse looms like a spectral guardian of the bay.

Decay and Deterioration:

Decades of exposure to harsh maritime weather have taken their toll. The structure shows signs of significant wear, with rusted metal, peeling paint, and broken windows. The interior is equally decayed, with remnants of the keeper’s quarters and machinery adding to the ghostly atmosphere.

Paranormal Activity

Ghost Stories:

Over the years, there have been numerous reports of ghostly sightings and unexplained phenomena. Some visitors claim to have seen the ghost of a former lighthouse keeper still tending to his duties, while others report hearing strange noises such as footsteps, whispers, and the clang of metal.

Unexplained Phenomena:

Paranormal investigators have explored the lighthouse, capturing EVPs and other strange occurrences. The isolation and the history of the site make it a prime location for such activity, adding to its reputation as a haunted place.

Visitor Experience

Tours and Access:

While the lighthouse itself is difficult to access due to its location, there are occasional boat tours that take visitors close enough to view and photograph it. These tours often include stories about the lighthouse’s history and the legends of its hauntings.


The Delaware Breakwater East End Lighthouse is a popular subject for photographers seeking to capture its haunting beauty. The contrast of the dilapidated structure against the vast, open sea provides a dramatic and evocative image.

Historical Significance:

For history buffs, the lighthouse offers a glimpse into the maritime history of the Delaware Bay. Understanding its role in navigation and the lives of those who maintained it adds depth to its mysterious and eerie presence.


The Delaware Breakwater East End Lighthouse is a captivating relic of maritime history that continues to fascinate and haunt those who visit it. Its isolation, decay, and the legends of ghostly activity create a compelling narrative that appeals to anyone interested in the mysterious and macabre. Whether you’re drawn to its historical significance or the chilling tales of hauntings, this abandoned lighthouse in Delaware will indeed haunt your dreams.

Delaware Breakwater East End Lighthouse: A Closer Look

Detailed Historical Background

Construction and Operation:

The Delaware Breakwater East End Lighthouse was part of a larger effort to create a safe harbor for ships navigating the treacherous waters of Delaware Bay. Built in 1885, the lighthouse was equipped with a fourth-order Fresnel lens that provided a vital navigational aid for mariners. The light was first lit on October 2, 1885.

Life of the Keepers:

Life for the lighthouse keepers was challenging and isolated. They had to contend with harsh weather, isolation from the mainland, and the constant maintenance required to keep the light operational. The keepers lived in cramped quarters within the lighthouse, and their primary duty was to ensure the light remained functional to guide ships safely.

Automation and Decline:

Like many lighthouses, technological advancements eventually rendered the manual operation of the Delaware Breakwater East End Lighthouse obsolete. In the 1950s, the lighthouse was automated, eliminating the need for a full-time keeper. By the 1990s, the lighthouse was decommissioned entirely and left to the elements.

The Haunted Legacy

Ghostly Apparitions:

Numerous accounts from visitors and paranormal investigators describe sightings of a spectral figure, believed to be a former keeper. This ghostly presence is often seen performing routine tasks, such as climbing the stairs or gazing out to sea, as if still dutifully watching over the bay.

Strange Sounds:

People who have visited the lighthouse report hearing unexplained sounds, including footsteps echoing through the empty halls, the clinking of lanterns, and indistinct murmurs. These sounds are particularly unsettling given the lighthouse’s isolation, where such noises shouldn’t naturally occur.

Cold Spots and Eerie Feelings:

Visitors often describe sudden drops in temperature, creating cold spots that defy the typically warm coastal climate. These cold spots are frequently accompanied by an inexplicable feeling of being watched, adding to the lighthouse’s spooky reputation.

Architectural and Environmental Details

Structural Decay:

The lighthouse’s current state of decay adds significantly to its haunted atmosphere. The rusting iron, broken windows, and peeling paint all contribute to a sense of abandonment and desolation. Inside, remnants of old furniture, rusted machinery, and peeling wallpaper create a setting straight out of a ghost story.

Surrounding Environment:

The lighthouse is located on a breakwater, which is a long, narrow structure built out into the water to protect the harbor from waves. The breakwater itself is often pounded by waves, especially during storms, which can make the journey to the lighthouse perilous. The constant sound of crashing waves and the isolation from the mainland amplify the eerie atmosphere.

Visitor Experience

Exploration and Tours:

While access to the interior of the lighthouse is generally restricted due to safety concerns, several boat tours allow visitors to get close to the lighthouse. These tours provide a unique perspective on the structure and often include stories of its haunted history, adding an element of mystery and intrigue to the experience.

Photography and Art:

The Delaware Breakwater East End Lighthouse is a favorite subject for photographers, particularly those interested in capturing the juxtaposition of beauty and decay. The lighthouse’s haunting silhouette against the backdrop of the sea, especially at sunset or during a storm, makes for striking and evocative images.

Cultural Significance:

Beyond its haunted reputation, the lighthouse stands as a monument to maritime history and the human effort to conquer the sea’s dangers. Its presence is a testament to the men who lived and worked there, ensuring the safety of countless ships over the decades.


The Delaware Breakwater East End Lighthouse is a compelling destination for those interested in history, architecture, and the paranormal. Its isolated location, decaying structure, and rich history create an environment that is both haunting and fascinating. Whether you’re exploring the ghostly legends, capturing its eerie beauty through photography, or delving into its historical significance, this abandoned lighthouse in Delaware will leave a lasting impression on your dreams and imagination.

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