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Old School Travel Comb Found Stuck Behind a Drawer in Our Bathroom

Old School Travel Comb Found Stuck Behind a Drawer in Our Bathroom

A Journey Through Time: The Discovery

One fine Sunday morning, while I was doing some routine cleaning in our bathroom, I stumbled upon an intriguing relic from the past. As I pulled out a stubborn drawer from our old bathroom cabinet, there it was—an old-school travel comb wedged tightly behind the drawer. The sight of this forgotten artifact immediately sparked a wave of nostalgia and curiosity.

The comb was no ordinary comb. Its handle was elegantly curved and made from a material that suggested it had seen many years go by. The teeth were slightly bent and worn, indicating frequent use. Holding it in my hand, I could almost imagine the stories it could tell, the places it had been, and the people it had groomed. This unexpected find turned into a fascinating exploration of the past and a reflection on how such simple items can hold immense historical and sentimental value.

The History of Travel Combs

Travel combs have been essential grooming tools for centuries, serving a practical purpose while also reflecting the culture and fashion of their times. In ancient civilizations, combs were often made from bone, wood, or ivory and were used not only for grooming but also as status symbols. The craftsmanship of these early combs was remarkable, with intricate designs and decorations.

During the Victorian era, travel combs became more elaborate and decorative. Made from materials like tortoiseshell and silver, these combs were often part of grooming kits that travelers would carry. These kits were essential for maintaining one’s appearance during long journeys, and the combs within them were valued for their functionality and elegance.

In the early 20th century, with the advent of new materials like celluloid and Bakelite, travel combs became more affordable and widely available. They were often designed with practicality in mind, featuring folding mechanisms or protective cases to keep them clean and intact during travel. These combs were popular among both men and women and were considered essential items for maintaining a neat and tidy appearance on the go.

The Significance of the Find

Discovering an old-school travel comb behind a drawer in our bathroom was more than just finding a forgotten object. It was like uncovering a piece of history that had been hidden away for years. This comb, with its worn teeth and aged handle, was a testament to the everyday lives of people who had lived in our home before us.

Such objects are often overlooked, but they hold a significant place in our history. They tell us about the daily routines and personal habits of people from the past. They remind us that even the most mundane items can have historical value and can offer insights into the culture and lifestyle of previous generations.

r/whatisthisthing - Old School Travel Comb??? Found stuck behind a drawer in our bathroom.

The Personal Connection

As I examined the comb more closely, I couldn’t help but wonder about its previous owner. Who were they? What was their life like? How did this comb come to be stuck behind a drawer in our bathroom? These questions added a personal dimension to the discovery, making it more than just an old object—it was a connection to the people who had lived in our home before us.

This personal connection is what makes such discoveries so fascinating. They remind us that we are part of a continuum and that our lives are linked to those who came before us and to those who will come after us. This old-school travel comb was a tangible link to the past, a reminder of the continuity of human experience.

Craftsmanship and Design

The craftsmanship of the comb was another aspect that fascinated me. Unlike modern combs, which are often mass-produced and made from plastic, this comb had a certain elegance and quality to it. The material felt solid and durable, and the design was simple yet functional. It was clear that this comb had been made with care and attention to detail.

The comb’s design also reflected the fashion and aesthetic preferences of its time. The slightly curved handle and the shape of the teeth suggested that it was designed for both practical use and visual appeal. This combination of functionality and beauty is something that is often lost in modern, mass-produced items.

The Role of Travel Combs in Personal Grooming

Travel combs have always played an important role in personal grooming. They are compact and portable, making them ideal for use on the go. For centuries, people have carried travel combs in their pockets, bags, or grooming kits, ensuring that they can maintain their appearance no matter where they are.

In the past, personal grooming was considered an essential part of daily life. People took pride in their appearance, and grooming tools like combs were valued for their ability to help them look their best. Travel combs were especially important for those who traveled frequently, as they provided a convenient way to keep their hair neat and tidy while on the move.

r/whatisthisthing - Old School Travel Comb??? Found stuck behind a drawer in our bathroom.

The Evolution of Travel Combs

The design and materials of travel combs have evolved over time, reflecting changes in technology and fashion. In ancient times, combs were often made from bone or wood and were intricately carved and decorated. During the Victorian era, travel combs became more ornate, with materials like tortoiseshell and silver being used.

With the advent of new materials like celluloid and Bakelite in the early 20th century, travel combs became more affordable and widely available. These materials allowed for new designs and features, such as folding mechanisms and protective cases, which made the combs more practical for travel.

Today, travel combs are often made from plastic and are designed with convenience and durability in mind. While they may not have the same level of craftsmanship as their predecessors, they continue to serve the same essential purpose of helping people maintain their appearance on the go.

Reflecting on the Past

Discovering the old-school travel comb behind the drawer was a powerful reminder of the past and the passage of time. It made me reflect on how much has changed over the years and how certain aspects of daily life remain constant. Personal grooming, for example, is still an important part of our daily routines, even if the tools we use have changed.

This discovery also made me appreciate the value of everyday objects and the stories they can tell. The comb may have been a simple tool, but it carried with it a sense of history and a connection to the people who had used it. It reminded me that even the most ordinary items can hold extraordinary meaning.

Preserving the Past

After discovering the comb, I decided to preserve it as a memento of the past. I carefully cleaned it and placed it in a small display case, where it could be seen and appreciated. This comb, which had been hidden away for so many years, now has a place of honor in our home.

Preserving such objects is important because they serve as tangible links to our history. They remind us of the people who came before us and the lives they lived. They also help us appreciate the craftsmanship and design of everyday items from the past, which can often be overlooked in our modern, fast-paced world.


The discovery of the old-school travel comb behind the drawer in our bathroom was a small but meaningful event. It was a reminder of the past, a connection to the people who had lived in our home before us, and a testament to the value of everyday objects. This simple comb, with its worn teeth and aged handle, carried with it a sense of history and a story waiting to be told.

As I look at the comb now, displayed in its case, I am reminded of the importance of preserving our history and appreciating the everyday items that are part of our lives. These objects, no matter how simple or ordinary, hold a special place in our history and in our hearts. The old-school travel comb is a reminder of that, and it will continue to be a cherished part of our home and our story.

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